When you need career counseling?

The first most important and most relevant point when you need career counseling is when you have just passed your class 10th and want to decide about your future stream of studies.

You need help of professional career counselors when you do not know where to go. You are mid-way in your studies – have completed or are about to complete your graduation – and do not know the future course of action. Your education thus far has revolved around being literate rather than around being a through-bred professional.

You want to carve out a clear cut path for development of your career. You want to be pro-active about what you are doing vi-a-vis your career. You want to choose a well-thought out course of action for your professional education, training and grooming in alignment with options and opportunities that are on offer.

You are in the middle of your career. The mid-career choices are the most difficult ones to be made. You feel dissatisfied in your current career but do not know how to go where you want to go. Professional career counseling can help you in analyzing the alternatives at hand and the path you can opt for yourself.

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